I understand in this day and age that content posted on the internet can be seen as “free”.

As someone who produces work with the end goal of making this my fulltime profession, I put a lot of work, time and money into this “free” content. It can be heartbreaking to learn someone has downloaded an image, or worse printed something without even trying to engage with me about perhaps paying for my time and learning to make to the point I am today. That said, I am aware that buying prints is an expensive thing to do, especially as no one “needs” them really - particularly with the cost of living these days. Not everyone has the disposable income to throw around on art for their walls.

So, if you enjoy my content here on the website, or on Instagram and even Youtube, OR have “come across” an image of mine, screenshotted or otherwise Perhaps I flicked you a copy of an image for a lock screen background or maybe you just and want to help me out with even the smallest donation - no questions asked, no judgement. Just appreciation!

Click the button below (It’ll take you to PayPal):


Buy Me a Coffee is another way to support me in turning this into full time work!