Sometimes you gotta take a gamble.
My good mate Alan flicked me a message on thursday afternoon asking if I was keen to pop over to the mount for some sunset action. Having knocked off early already and was considering a more local spot to me it was an easy choice to make to head over the Kaimais.
While on the road there was a bank of clouds forming on the horizon in the Waikato, so I already had low expectations of an incoming burner. But hey, better than just staying in and watching youtube videos at home right? DID I MENTION MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL?
Anyway… We arrived at Moturiki Island just beside the Mount and went for a wander before settling on a couple of spots closer to the shore of the main beach where it meets the island. I spent some time with the 100-200mm on my GFX100S shooting the waves with some slower shutter speeds
After that it started to look like we were on for some decent sunset action. So I shifted spots and tried to compose some stuff near the rocks.
Not too bad at this point - it was clear we were going to get into some colour so I flicked the GFX into 65:24 Pano mode and shot a bunch of 2 min exposures. Most of which I had to bin because the wind was blowing pretty hard - enough to cause some camera shake. Still, I managed to put one together :)
Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to go subscribe on youtube and if you’d like to see any of these in the print store leave a message below!