Adam Crouchley of UpAnAdam (You can calso check him out on Facebook), holds regular photowalks largely based in the Waikato region. This year he has been spending a lot more time around the country holding them in places such as Tekapo, Timaru and Wellington and a couple coming up in Rotorua and back in the Tron. He has been emphasizing low light and long exposure photography on these (as they are usually held in the evening).
This year he has begun a challenge to help 1000 people improve their photography which has led him to create an online series of videos as part of his Learn Photography course.
Anyway! The 4th of February was Raglans turn, so I jumped in the car to head along.
"Down there are Fish and Chips"
A good mix of people showed up for this one. After an initial introduction Adam gives a brief outline of where we're headed and encourages everyone to point their camera at anything interesting. It was still half an hour before sunset so we had time to go for a walk before heading over to the Jetty.
Once the sun dipped below the clouds we were able to begin leaving our shutters open a little longer.
Some of the attendees playing with light trails on the right here. Adams been getting some awesome shots with the location spelled out in light from each photowalk. Will be cool to see what people got this time.
My final shot for the evening. The Raglan footbridge gets lit up every night :)
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