Gold Rush Photo Challenge - Snapshot Hamilton

Well shit, 'spose it's been a while! There will be some more content happening here over the coming months as I ramp this up a bit. So here's a blog post about a recent excursion I took with a good mate Alan for Snapshots Gold Rush event on the 11th of June, 2017.

The event was based at Karangahake near Waihi and the focus was on the gold mining ruins and remnants in the area. We have 4 locations to shoot and the challenge was to submit our best shot from each site provided the photo included one or more of the following elements:

Dark vs Light
Nature vs Man

The first location was Victoria Battery.

Next up, we took a short walk to Owharoa falls

Its pretty tricky to get an interesting waterfall shot in the middle of the day in full sunshine without a tripod and a few ND filters to allow a slow shutter speed. (I did take my tripod, but am lacking a set of decent NDs - maybe later this year :D) After I grabbed this shot handheld (@ 1/8 of a sec might I add!) I got distracted by the Fantails fluttering about and pointed my attention and 70-200 in their direction instead.

Absolutely stoked with the above shot. The 7DII's 10fps helped of course :)

After lunch it was off to the Cornish Pump house in Waihi itself, located at the Martha Hill mine. I'm stuck as to whether I prefer the colour or B&W shot here. Leaning towards the colour. It's the shot I submitted anyway, (Let me know in the comments which you like best - also if you're actually reading this far hah)

Finally, we drove back into the gorge to have a look at the Rail Tunnel. In the tunnel itself. I pretty much had to max out the ISO @ 16000 to get anything. Naturally the colour noise was terrible so they got flicked to B&W straight away.

I snuck a couple of shots of Alan hard at work. Lets see if he sees this and lets me leave it up :D