Following other local photographers can be a blessing and a curse. The curse is that you see them get shots in places you never thought of, or out-do you at a spot you’ve visited before! (The latter being fairly common for me hah).
The blessing part is that often its a good chance to get a group of people together to get some shots. Often it helps motivate an otherwise lazy bastard (Me), to get over to Hamilton and bust out the shooter!
So when Damian Rahmann (@daimianrahmannphotography on instagram) mentioned in his Instagram story that he was looking to do some shooting at the Hamilton Gardens this evening, I thought I’d drag my ass along! Also there, were @salsalphotography, @ianmackie and @rodin1960.
The place closed its doors at 7:30pm so I got in before 7 and fired off a few shots before eyeing up the little waterfall on the other side of Turtle Lake. After failing to cross paths with Damian and the others, it turns out they were off to Parana Park to have a look at the Anzac Parade Bridge lighting up. Hilariously, it didn’t.
So anyway, here is my crop of shots from the evening. Really digging the 2:1 aspect ratio at the moment.